Winn Rants

Bob & the Butchered Pig Ponzi
An old high school buddy called and asked me to loan him $2.4M to unlock his $90M crypto wallet. A harsh lesson in Reality Distortion, as proposed in The Metawar Thesis.

C’mon MetaZuck… You Gotta Do Better and Get Real
I got to watch Zuckerberg – the Facebook Platform Zuckerberg – non-apologize to the families of kids hurt by Zuck’s social media failures.

BarCode Live Interview
Thanks to Sayers and BarCode Live for the opportunity to share with their audience.

Metawar: The Thesis
Metawar is the art and science of distorting realities by creating believable artificial immersive simulations in the metaverse. How will humanity choose to coexist?

The Genesis of My Metanoia
Writing this book on my Metawar Thesis has fundamentally changed me, my view of the world I perceive, and my view of the universe I do not see.