
The following are the appendices referenced throughout the book The Art & Science of Metawar. Each appendix below is linked to a downloadable PDF document.


Chapter 0.1 — My Metanoia: From Cyberwar to Metawar & Why I Wrote This Book

What Exactly is Information Warfare? — Part 1

by Winn Schwartau, Network Security, Sept 1997

What Exactly is Information Warfare? — Part 2

by Winn Schwartau, Network Security, Oct 1997

What Exactly is Information Warfare? — Part 3

by Winn Schwartau, Network Security, Nov 1997

My Unusual, Unexpected, and Unpredictable IW Journey, 1988-2021: A Memoir & Observations on the Future of IW Education

by Winn Schwartau, 2021

The complete article describes how I got from there to here.



Chapter 1.5 — Do You Believe?

How America defeated Iraq with a computer virus

by Winn Schwartau, 10 Jan 1992

After listening to an ABC News report one night, I contacted them and US News. We got into a pissing match because I maintained their report was an early government disinformation campaign.



Chapter 1.8 — The Brain & Common Senses

Cohen’s 53 Senses

According to some researchers, we have more than 50 senses.



Chapter 3.27 — Metapolicies

Mental Health Policies: Talk to the Metadead

by Winn Schwartau



Chapter 3.34 — National Security & Cognitive Defenses

Top-10 Yuri Bezmenov Quotes

The Top 10 Yuri Bezmenov quotes that still resonate loudly (and sorta scare the crap outta me).


by S. P. Rastorguev, Radio i Svyaz’ Press

The complete 400+ page Russian IW treatise. I don’t know how or why I have a photocopied version of an English translation labeled {UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY}.

K. Melton

Growing up in Appalachia into intergenerational poverty and genetic afflictions, I faced a world of extremes from the start. Through a relentless pursuit to better myself and overcome adversity, I carved a path to success.

Now, as a cybersecurity awareness expert and DEI advocate, I leverage my experiences to help others unlock their potential and similarly thrive in inclusively inspiring environments.

Over a decade’s experience herding high-performance creative tigers, fostering innovation, extensive change management, DEI & accessibility advocacy, and enhancing digital literacy for any demographic.

Reading List