
The Future of Your Cybersecurity Career: Market Demand VS Talent Shortage

The world is currently lacking some 2 million cybersecurity experts. That number is expected to double shortly, as more cyber-kinetic and anthro-cyber-kinetic (people, cyber and physical) systems are productized for industry and mass consumption.

At the same time, cybersecurity practitioners have become laser-focused on insanely complex, highly verticalized, specific subsets of our industry. Rough translation: we tend to train and hire skill-set specialists versus security generalists. Security professionals often have trouble talking to each other because so many specializations use different nomenclatures, terms, and acronyms; dozens of technically disparate lingua francas. We have forgotten about teaching strategic generalities and interdisciplinarianism. Overspecialization and isolation from other technical fields are two clear recipes for failure.

This webinar examines a variety of skills and knowledge that will greatly assist the professional and benefit the cybersecurity field as well, by dealing in higher levels of abstraction versus highly specialized knowledge and practice.


Our presenter for this webinar Winn Schwartau is one of the world’s top experts on security, privacy, infowar, cyber-terrorism, and related topics. Provocative, informed, challenging, he’s on the leading edge of thinking, writing and speaking. Highly technical security subjects are made understandable, entertaining, engaging and thought-provoking. Audiences find themselves challenged with original ideas which are related through historical analogy and metaphor and made relevant to the present and future world. He is the founder of The Security Awareness Company.

Organizer: Ardian Berisha


DEF CON 30 - Winn Schwartau - My First Hack Was in 1958


Hiring the Unhireable